
Customer Testimonials

Tim Jones

"We recently bought the EGO 575 CFM leaf blower after looking at reviews, looking in the stores, and online.

It is an impressive blower and delivers the power we were seeking. The battery is huge and over 1/2 its weight but it is well balanced."
EGO Power + South Africa
Tim Jones "We recently bought the EGO 575 CFM leaf blower after looking at reviews, looking in the stores, and online. It is an impressive blower and delivers the power we were seeking. The battery is huge and over 1/2 its weight but it is well balanced."

Jenna Thompson

"I have a petrol blower/vacuum that has worked great for me but I have to use it a lot as there is so much coming from the trees around the house and pool.

The battery blower is much quicker and easier to use on a daily basis and the wife, kids, and any guests can grab and use this thing with no worries of how best to choke and pull the cord to start."
EGO Power + South Africa
Jenna Thompson "I have a petrol blower/vacuum that has worked great for me but I have to use it a lot as there is so much coming from the trees around the house and pool. The battery blower is much quicker and easier to use on a daily basis and the wife, kids, and any guests can grab and use this thing with no worries of how best to choke and pull the cord to start."
EGO Power + South Africa


  • 56V Battery 2.0 Ah Battery: 40-minute charge time from zero to full charge
  • 56V Battery 4.0 Ah Battery: 80-minute charge time from zero to full charge
  • 56V Battery 6.0 Ah Battery: 115-minute charge time from zero to full charge
  • Fan Cooled Charging System: Prevents the battery and charger from overheating
  • Integrated Fuel Gauge: Shows how much power is left in the battery
  • Integrated LED Charge Indicator Lights: To let you know if your battery has a full charge or not
  • Charges all EGO Power+ Batteries

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